Prayer Of Confession, June 9, 2024
As you have said, O Lord, it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks; you have warned that on the day of judgment, we will have to account for every careless word we have uttered. Mindful of that coming day, we approach you in confession, asking mercy and absolution for the ways in which we have harbored many thoughts and spoken many words that displease you and reveal the content of our hearts. Forgive us, O Lord, for though it is the house of the enemy that is known by its division, we have allowed heresy to undermine your church and sin to separate us from you. Guard us, we pray, against the sins of thought, word, and deed. Truly, O God our King, you are from of old, working salvation in the earth! You crushed the head of the serpent, and will cast him into the lake of fire. But do not deliver the soul of your dove to them; do not forget how we need you, O God. Do not let your downtrodden be put to shame, but lift us up that we may praise your name. Amen