Embers Sunday School - 9:00 am
Embers at Vail Valley wants to see your children come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ and to grow in how they trust Him, love Him, and obey Him. As we begin our walk with the Lord, our faith is small and our understanding is fragile. Embers is here to fan the flames of faith and build a fire that will last a lifetime. We will cultivate that tender flame with biblical truth and application, in ways that are both fun and educational.
The world is catechizing our children 24/7 and the messages lead to nothing but suffering and hopelessness. They are told that truth is relative, biblical morality is bigoted, and life is cheap. Is it any wonder that depression, anxiety, and substance abuse are skyrocketing? We will show our children a better way: one of Grace, Truth, and Peace in Jesus Christ! Our children are not just entertained at church, but welcomed into the body of believers. They are valuable, contributing to the workings and health of the church - not just tolerated or tucked away so they are not under foot. They're surrounded by peers who care about them, leaders that disciple them, and a church body that's invested in them. Embers Sunday School meets at 9:00 am. All kids ages 4-10 are invited! Our staff and volunteer leaders have been screened and trained, and commit to work in pairs to ensure your child's safety and well-being. |