Prayer Of Confession, June 2, 2024
Merciful God, hear us as we confess our troubles, our laments, and our sins. For when our spirits are faint, you know the way. In the paths where we walk there are many hidden traps and snares. Give heed to our cry, for we are brought very low. Our past sins and fears and failures of faith are known to you, yet we long to be free of them. Lead us out of bondage and gloom, that we may give thanks to your holy name. Save us from every evil and temptation, for the forces that oppose us are too strong for us to overcome them on our own. We have no refuge, no portion, but in you. Therefore, absolve us and cleanse us of every stain. Then we will know we are at home among the righteous, when you have dealt bountifully and mercifully with your people. This we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen