Prayer Of Confession, February 11, 2024
O Lord our God, who once for all saved a people out of the land of Egypt, yet allowed those who did not trust you to die in the wilderness, we confess that we, your people, have participated in the ungodliness of this age, turning your grace into license, indulging in immorality, and defiling the flesh. Forgive us, O Lord, for all our sins, for every foolish and fruitless deed. Forgive us for each time we have refused your authority, spoken careless words without fear, or forgotten the greatness of your salvation and the faith that we share, the gospel with which we have been entrusted. Say the word, O Lord, and heal your servants. Be merciful, O God. Cleanse us and restore us to new life, equipping us with the mind of Christ Jesus, your beloved Son, in whose name we pray. Amen