Prayer Of Confession, January 12, 2025
O God, you know our folly, and the wrongs we have done are not hidden from you. We confess our sins and we stand in need of your forgiveness and mercy. Do not let the flood of our transgressions sweep over us, or the depth of our uncleanness swallow us up. But let the holy ministry of your Son and his once-for-all atonement for sins be our salvation according to your grace. Hear us, O Lord , for your steadfast love is good. According to your abundant mercy, turn to us and forgive us. Do not let those who hope in you be put to shame because of our sins, O Lord God of hosts, nor let those who seek you be dishonored because of the failings of your people. Help us bear credible, gracious, and joyful witness to the loving truth and redeeming grace of Jesus Christ in the midst of this lost and violent generation; this we ask for the honor and glory of his name. Amen