Prayer Of Confession, October 27, 2024
O Lord our God, we confess to you that we have a sluggish spirit, eyes that see little and ears that often refuse to hear. We stand in pride when we should stand in awe. We forget that we have been adopted, transplanted, and ingrafted; we are supported by the root, included in the tree of life, your family of faith, only by virtue of your grace and kindness. Forgive us, O Lord , for every boastful moment, every harsh or careless word; most of all, forgive us for past unbelief. Help us to stand up and glorify you in faith. Continue, O Lord , in your kindness toward us. Have mercy, O God; graciously preserve and prosper us, even as we ask your mercies for all those who know you and call upon your name. This we ask for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen