Prayer Of Confession, September 1, 2024
O Lord of hosts, you have commanded us to love truth and peace, but the secrets of our hearts are not hidden from you! We confess we have often given voice to complaining; rather than eagerly attending to the words of your prophets, we have often recoiled from their challenging admonitions and sought our own way. When faced with adversity, we have longed for the empty comforts of former ways, forgetting or failing to believe in your unlimited power. Forgive us, O Lord ! For all things are possible with you! Yet, we also confess that, when mindful of your power and eager for your spiritual gifts, we have used them for bolstering ourselves. Help us use our gifts for the building up of the whole church. Gracious and merciful God, set us free from former ways, through the atoning work of your beloved Son. Put your Spirit upon us, that all might have your word inside them, ready at any moment to prophesy, console, encourage, and build up! This we ask in Jesus’ name, that our confession of sin may truly become our confession of faith! Amen