Prayer Of Confession, June 23, 2024
Our Holy and Gracious God, we confess that we see things upside down. We have made a habit of following blind guides rather than trusting in your Word and find ourselves falling into the Pit. We confess that we have been afraid to see what you would show us, to hear what you would say to us; thus, we find ourselves in a stupor, in a spirit of deep sleep. We have forgotten ourselves and foolishly regarded you, the potter, as though you were the clay; we have rashly questioned why you have made us this way. Forgive us, Lord ! For we are besieged and hemmed in by sin. Redeem us from the battles we wage, for many forces and foes are arrayed against us. Nevertheless, we will trust in you to hear us as we call upon you, to save us from the wages of sin, and train us up in godliness. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen